International Response Fund

Monday, November 30, 2009


Come on people - 6 followers??? really? tell your friends- check out this blog- you might learn something... :)

Watch It

So you are sitting around bored and want to watch a funny movie- find Smiley Face- its on cable all the time. Its hilarious. I think I could watch it a dozen times which is a pretty rare thing for me seeing that I nap through most movies. And watch The Last Waltz while you are at it. If you are lucky you may get to watch the Last Waltz with me. :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ive been missing out on these beasts???

I've never been a Walmart shopper but has brought it to my attention that I'm missing some funny shit.

Seeing that my brain is still on vacation I have been busy trying not to use it too much. Check out this website for a good laugh (or scare).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


As many of you know I love learning about nutrition and health. And like most topics it is often hard to get factual information about things that seem like they should be pretty black and white.

A few years ago, I learned about vitamin B17. A natural occurring substance, B17 is found in seeds within the Apricot pit. B17 is interesting to read up on because some claim that it cures cancer while others claim that it will kill you.

According to HealthKeepers magazine (Vol 11, Nov 2009), B17 (Laetrile) in conjunction with betaglucosidase, an enzyme only found in cancerous cells, unlock cyanide and benzaldyhide within the cancer cell, killing it.

The US FDA has numerous articles and information on B17/Laetrile but they view it as a dangerous product that can do more harm than good. They claim that studies prove that it has no effect on cancer and can poison people and cause death.

I read a few articles from both sides regarding B17. Most of the articles claim that people can ingest too many apricot kernels and experience side effects such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Some articles say that no one has ever died from apricot kernels while other articles claim that there are reported overdose deaths.

I don't know anyone who has ever taken B17 or munched on apricot seeds but I know plenty of people with cancer. I'm sure this topic will remain controversial for some time. A safe, effective natural cure for cancer would seem like a god send to everyone but the pharmaceutical industry would take a huge hit if no one needed their drugs that seem to often make people even sicker than they were to begin with.

So, next time you are bored read up on B17 and let me know what you find or what you think. thanks :)

Free Yoga

Beverly Yoga Center's monthly free community yoga class is this Friday 11/20 at 7pm. Its a great opportunity to bring a little relaxation into your life at no charge. They do ask that you bring a non-perishable food donation. Check out their website for more details.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Free Yoga! (but you've got to hurry)

While I found out a little late, there is still time to check out their free Yoga classes and they are offering free Nutrition classes.

The following free Yoga classes are this week:
Thurs 11/12 5:30 - 6:30
Sat 11/14 8:45-9:45p

Check out their website for more details regarding their yoga classes and details on the upcoming nutrition classes. They do ask that you give them a call and let them know you are coming.

Holistic Happenings is located at 7925 W 171st St, Tinley Park; 708-429-3052

Later everyone!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

California Dreaming...

I just returned late Friday night from an amazing two weeks out West. Me and my baby drove southwest through Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and stayed with family in Pheonix for a few days and went on to Phish's Festival 8 for 3 days over the Halloween weekend in Indio, CA. I have alot to do since returning and can't thank enough all the friends and family that helped us out with our pups and bunnies while we were gone. I had more fun than I have had in a long time and everything was beyond wonderful- the weather, the family, the ride, the music, the new friends...

Now that Ive returned, Im trying to get back into the rhythm of everyday life and responsibilities. Hope everyone had a fun Halloween :) I look forward to new blog entries and keeping busy all around -